Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Fun in the jumperoo

Ben does NOT like being kept on his back. Now that he's getting bigger, he insists on being held upright. Unfortunately, this makes it harder on us because we need to tend to him much more. We can't leave him in the gym mat while I sterilize bottles or do 1 of the 34837 things on our to-do list.

We've been delaying the purchase of an excersaucer because we haven't had time to do research and because we learned a lesson about making new purchases-- make sure baby actually likes the thing before spending another $100 on something he won't like.

Fortunately, someone generously gave us their used Jumperoo and it has been sitting in the corner of the nursery for at least 3 months. I didn't think we'd use it until after B graduated from using the excersaucer. Tonight, we said "What the heck" and gave it a try before bathing him and we got such a kick out of it. Watch the clip below and you'll see what I'm talking about. We couldn't stop laughing!

Looking forward to many more happy moments to come!

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