Look at him puckering up those tiny lips. I love him!
Every time I look back at this picture, my heart melts. As I leaned in to kiss Ben, I remember wishing to have the ability to freeze time. At that moment, my mind was completely focused just on "Ben and mommy time". Nothing else mattered.
It's moments like these when I remember the advice that I most received while pregnant. "Try not to sweat the small things and enjoy every second with the baby." It sounds pretty obvious, but it's really tough keeping this in mind when you're "on-the-go" every second of the day and still have so much to do.
I try my best to focus just on Ben when we have our time together. Sometimes, it seems as if time is so slowly passing by. But then I realize it's already been close to 8 weeks since he entered this world. I don't know what my life would be like without him. Time really has flown by.
Advice to first-time mommies from a first-time mommy:
Try not to sweat the small things and enjoy every second with your baby.
Yes, your home might not be as clean as it used to be. The laundry might not get done as often as it used to even though you have an extra load of baby related items. And, lots of things won't be the same. You'll have to adjust to this, but trust me... it's worth it.
I love this pic.very touchy.My-almost-tall-as-me-son was this small back in 12 years ago.My 9years still look like Ben in a way. We are happy to have this precious moment.